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Security Cameras: Wired vs Wireless

Before deciding on the type of security camera system to buy, it’s best to examine the different types available.

So, which system should you have? Wireless or Wired?

Wireless Systems

Wireless security cameras are not 100% wireless—they still require a connection to a power source to function—with only the video signal being transmitted through your Wi-Fi network wirelessly to the recorder. The cameras need to be positioned within range of your Wi-Fi router, which could mean installing the cameras by trial and error before you get the ideal position for the camera in terms of signal strength and coverage. Connecting the cameras' power transformers to an outlet could also prove to be a problem. Because wireless systems still require a power connection, they are still vulnerable to power outages.

There are, however, wire-free cameras which are battery powered. These bring obvious problems of their own into the equation. Although easily installed, they don't need to be connected to a power source, but they do require monitoring of the battery power status. If the cameras are operating constantly, then the batteries are not going to last as long as you would like. Which means changing them more frequently, or if they are rechargeable, keeping spares charged and ready to go.

Wired Systems

Wired systems have been the traditional way to install security cameras. The main advantage of a wired security camera system is its reliability since they do not rely on "Hit and Miss" signals from a Wi-Fi network. By definition, wired security cameras require cables for power and video transmission. Usually, both cables are inside one cover and come in various lengths up to 300ft, making the positioning of the cameras more versatile.

One drawback with a wired system is the time it takes to install. If you feel capable, then it is possible to install the system yourself. However; if you don't want to be constantly going up and down ladders and crawling about in tight spaces, then it would be prudent to call in a specialist company that has the experience to do the job in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.

When it comes to installing a home security camera system, a professional installation company can possibly save time, money, and perhaps a lot of frustration.